Streamline Identity Management Playbook

Streamline Identity Management

What is the Streamline Identity Management Playbook?

Your agency collects the digital identity data of employees, contractors, and individuals who have access to resources that support your agency’s core business operations. This data is used in many processes, including the issuance of credentials and management of access to your agency’s physical and logical resources. Digital identity data must be managed reliably to ensure that access control decisions across your agency are based on accurate and current information.

This playbook will give you the answers to several common digital identity questions, including:

  • How do I determine which identity attributes are needed to identify a person within my agency?
  • How do I discover or locate authoritative data sources for particular identity data attributes in my agency?
  • How are authoritative data sources designated and protected?
  • What approaches exist to help my agency manage digital identities more effectively?

How is the playbook structured?

We developed this playbook into 4 high-level topic areas and 10 individual steps, or activities. Within each step, you will find a checklist to help you perform that activity and additional guidance, like implementation tips or security and privacy considerations.

How was the playbook developed?

This playbook was created using updated and migrated content that previously was found in the FICAM Roadmap and Implementation Guidance v2.0. We hope that the new format encourages you and your agency to contribute to additional content to support the management of digital identities across the Federal government.

Where can I find additional content?

The FICAM Architecture provides a high-level overview of identity management and a description of the services that deliver identity management capabilities. We recommend that you visit the FICAM Architecture site to gain a basic understanding of identity management and how its role in broader federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM).

How can I contribute to this playbook?

We look forward to your use and contribution to this playbook. Please visit our Contribute page to learn how to post questions and contribute content.